They ask the Player what happened and comments that it is very dark. The screen then cuts to the part where Niko finds themselves in darkness with "Thanks for Everything" playing.
A shattering sound effect can be heard, indicating that Niko has shattered the lightbulb, accompanied by the shaking of the game window. If the Player chooses the option to return home, the screen cuts to black and Niko responds that they trust the Player's judgement. Upon choosing "start", the game opens to the room where Niko found themselves in at the beginning of the game empty and brightly lit with light coming from the World's sun, along with the track "Distant" playing. If the Player attempts to reopen the game after getting this ending, they will find the title screen's background white and its text black. In this ending, the World's sun has been restored, but Niko does not return to their home world, as they did not shatter the lightbulb, which was their only way to return home. This scene is followed afterwards by the closing credits of the game in white background and black text as well as images of the residents of the World witnessing the return of their sun. Choose to ‘Distract’ during the fight against the Mad Janitor.If the Player chooses to return the sun, Niko responds that the Player is right, that they just can't leave all of the inhabitants of the World to die, thanks the Player for their help and promises that they'll be okay.
Ending #4: Inmasu Curse – Complete the Seaside side-objective to obtain the Inmasu Curse. This will also affect the school in the School Scissors case. Ending #3: Fire and Water – During the Mad Janitor battle, select to ‘topple the lamp’ to end the battle. Ending #2: Mermaid in a Hole – Collect the Crowbar from the Seaside Hardware Store, then pry open the manhole cover in the battle against the Mad Janitor. Ending #1: Morbid Discovery – Play through normally until you encounter the Mad Janitor. Scenario 8: Macabre Memoir of Morbid Mermaids Ending #3: Mystery Buried Deep – Play through normally, without discovering the clue or encountering Oetaru. When you encounter Oetaru, select ‘Run’ instead of sacrifice. Ending #2: Beast Awakened – Follow the same exact steps as Ending #1. Select ‘Sacrifice Companion’ to earn this ending. Explore more to find speakers - input ‘430Hz’ to fight Oetaru. Later, when you reach the Underground Chamber, you’ll need a Companion and a light source. Inspect the Shiokawa Herald (A) and find the ‘430Hz’ clue. Ending #1: Inner Coil – Complete the side-objective to earn the Architect’s Journal & Shiokawa Herald (A) items. Scenario 7: Horrible History of Household Hell
Ending #3: Tapes – Play through normally, and at the end, select ‘Take the Tapes’ instead of looking in the well. At the end, select ‘Peek Inside The Well’. Ending #2: Wishing Well – Play through normally, without obtaining the Can of Acid. At the end, when you look inside the well, choose to use the Can of Acid. Ending #1: Shunned House – Obtain the Can of Acid from the Seaside Hardware Store. Scenario 6: Freak Feature of Found Footage When you’re forced into the Forest, rest until you’re forced into the Overgrown Factory. Ending #2: Too Late – Play through normally, just using the Inn instead of visiting the Forest. When you’re forced into the Forest-Only, immediately go to the Overground Factory. Ending #1: Police Raid – Whenever you have a chance, visit the Forest. Scenario 5: Far-Out Fable of a Fear Festival When you go to Kana’s Apartment, leave immediately. Ending #3: ? – This is a secret bonus ending. Ending #2: Missing Friend – Play through normally, and when you encounter Kana, choose to take her to the hospital. Ending #1: Eye Surgery – Play through normally, and when you encounter Kana, choose to poke her eye out.